Patient Resources

Pelvic Pain

Everyone has pelvic pain sometimes, and it can be caused by many different things. It isn’t always something to consult a physician or doctor about; constipation, indigestion, menstruation, or even a pulled muscle can result in pelvic pain. Even certain procedures or surgeries, such as giving birth or ovarian rejuvenation Cary, can cause pain. If you are unsure of the cause of your pelvic pain, here are some things it could possibly be.


Constipation can result from many different things that aren’t underlying diseases. Things like dehydration, medication side effects, and not consuming enough fiber or working out enough. Eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking coffee and more water, and taking a walk can help to work through it. You could also take stool softeners, if needed or desired.

Pregnancy or problems with pregnancy

Being pregnant can also cause pelvic pain. It has similar symptoms to menstruation, but also quite a few differences. Pregnancy can cause mild cramping or spotting, nausea, bloating, and even weight gain. However, if you are experiencing extreme pain and you know that you’re pregnant, consult your doctor. You may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. For more information about the timeline of symptoms and pregnancy, click here.


Among other things, menstruation can involve mild to severe cramps. These can usually be subdued with over-the-counter pain medicines such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or tylenol. Most forms of birth control can also make periods lighter and less painful, but each body is different. Consult your physician if you are experiencing cramps that are interfering with your day-to-day tasks, and pain that over-the-counter medications aren’t helping.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are cysts that grow in your ovaries or on their surfaces. Most cysts cause little to no discomfort, and they can disappear within a few months. However, sometimes ovarian cysts can burst and cause immense amounts of pain. Getting regular pelvic exams and ovarian rejuvenation Cary can help prevent ovarian cysts and provide insight to your reproductive system, which can help with treatment.


Endometriosis is a disorder in which uterine tissues grow on the outside of the uterus. It can grow on fallopian tubes and ovaries, and will rarely spread to non-reproductive organs. Endometrial tissue that grows outside of the uterus acts like tissues on the inside; it thickens, breaks down, and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. However, the blood has no way out of your body and becomes trapped. This can cause problems with your other organs or surrounding tissues. Severe symptoms are usually involved in endometriosis, especially during periods, but treatments are available.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are stones that form inside of your kidneys. They’re typically made out of minerals and salts that end up there. Eventually, the stone moves through your kidney, down your urinary tract, and into your bladder. They can be passed through urination, will need to be broken down with a laser, or removed with surgery. Certain diets or foods, supplements, and certain medical conditions can cause kidney stones. They can cause severe pains in your abdomen, back, or side, pain while urinating, nausea or vomiting, and fevers or chills.

If you are experiencing unusual pelvic pain, consider calling a doctor or physician that could help you. It could cause problems later in the future. If you have experienced pelvic pain that caused infertility,

ovarian rejuvenation Cary

provides services that can help you have children and even reduce current pelvic pain.

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