Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal

Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal

Getting Pregnant After Tubal Reversal Surgery
Success Rates by Age

Ovulation Detection
Ovulation detection is accomplished with the use of an LH predictor kit. An LH predictor kit detects the increase of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Read more.

Clomid and Ovulation Induction

Clomid is a fertility medicine given to patients to help them conceive a child. In order to understand more about Clomid, one needs to know more about ovulation and a woman’s cycle.

A woman’s cycle is based on her monthly menstrual cycle. An average cycle lasts a total of 28 days. Day one of this cycle begins with the first full day of flow, this is when a woman’s estrogen level is at her lowest level. During the beginning of the cycle or follicular phase, a woman’s estrogen level slowly begins to rise. The estrogen that is building begins to develop the lining of her uterus and the egg for the month. Typically, a woman will ovulate from one ovary each month. Mid cycle is considered to begin approximately 11 days after flow, slowly peaking to the highest estrogen levels. Once the egg is ready to be released from the ovary, around days 11 through 16, your estrogen peaks. As your estrogen begins to drop, your progesterone and lutenizing hormone levels begins to rise. This causes the egg to be released from the ovary, this is ovulation. Doctors consider 12-24 hours after ovulation the best time to try to conceive. This is the beginning of the luteal phase of your pregnancy. The ovary that produced the egg for the month will usually provide the needed support of progesterone to help support the pregnancy. If you are not pregnant, your progesterone level will drop and once it drops to its lowest levels this will cause your period to begin and the cycle starts all over.

Clomid is used as a fertility medicine because of its ability to help trick a woman’s ovary into producing larger amounts of egg producing follicles later in the cycle. Clomid is given at the beginning of the woman’s cycle for 5 days. It supresses a woman’s estrogen levels, this causes the brain to increase production of the FSH hormone. Once the Clomid regime has been completed, the FSH that has been increased causes the ovaries to work harder and produce more of the follicles than a normal cycle. This increase in egg production will also increase the woman’s estrogen levels. Clomid has been known to increase a woman’s chances for multiple births to about 10%. Excessive use of Clomid has also been known to cause increased risk of ovarian cancer.

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