Patient Resources

Articles from January, 2011

Not Identical or Fraternal But Still Twins

From Los Angeles Times wire reports April 2, 2007 Doctors have identified a third type of twins — somewhere between identical and fraternal — after performing extensive genetic tests on two children. They are referring to the pair as “semi-identical” — two sperm cells fused with a single egg — and said this was a…. read more

Mom’s beef puts son’s sperm count at stake

The Los Angeles Times March 28, 2007 Men whose mothers ate a lot of beef during their pregnancy have a sperm count about 25% below normal and three times the normal risk of fertility problems, researchers reported Tuesday. The problem may be due to anabolic steroids used in the United States to fatten the cattle,…. read more

Identical Twins Form After Embryo Collapses

Studies have shown that what mothers are eating can have an affect on their son’s sperm count.  Men whose mothers consumed a lot of beef while they were pregnant, have a sperm count that is around 25% below normal. This increases fertility problems by three times. The problem can be related to anabolic steroids used in…. read more

Eggs from Young Patients Matured

Announcing the most comprehensive patient infertility conference ever held in the Fayetteville area. You and your spouse/partner are invited to attend this important seminar where you will learn about all aspects of infertility and ways to achieve your dreams of having a baby of your own. Seminar Program: Infertility Overview – Learn about the physical…. read more

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