Be Smart with Your Infertility Insurance Benefits

Articles from November, 2011

Be Smart with Your Infertility Insurance Benefits

July 26, 2011 – With only a handful of health insurance companies in North Carolina providing benefits to cover infertility treatments, it’s more important now than ever to know what you’re spending.   Dr. Sameh K. Toma, Medical Director of the North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine, warns patients to beware of treatment options that…. read more

Welcome Baby Kolsen

The Board of Directors of the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation, based in Raleigh, is thrilled to announce the birth of the first baby born to a couple who received a grant from the non-profit organization. Kolsen Brantley Metz was born on May 2, 2011 at 7:45 AM in Greensboro, NC, weighing 8 lbs. 2…. read more

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