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Articles from March, 2011

1st U.S. IVF Baby Has Baby

She was the most famous baby in America after her birth in 1981 following in vitro fertilization. This month, Elizabeth Comeau gave birth to a baby of her own. She shares her story. By Elizabeth Comeau, Globe Staff  |  August 6, 2010 People have followed my life all my life. I mean, ALL my life.PBS…. read more

Breaking the Silence

I’m a single mother … by choice. With my biological clock ticking, I decided to have a baby on my own.  A wave of sadness washed over me one day in 2004 as I was driving to work. I pulled over to the curb, dialed my boss and asked for a day off. I was…. read more

Miracle of a Stranger

This Woman Has a Secret – Courtesy of SELF Magazine; August 2010 It’s infertility, which will strike one in eight American couples. Why are so many of us hiding this struggle from our friends and family? SELF Magazine investigates the roots of women’s silence— and why our reluctance to talk keeps us from getting the…. read more

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