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Can Ovarian Cysts Impact Pregnancy?

Some women are lucky enough to go through their lives without ever having to deal with an ovarian cyst. For others, they’re a regular occurrence. Although most cysts are benign and cause no symptoms, they can occasionally cause pain and other complications. In rare cases, they may be cancerous. If you are actively trying to conceive or interested in being able to conceive in the future, you may wonder: can ovarian cysts impact pregnancy? From NCCRM, North Carolina fertility clinics, here’s what to know.

What Is an Ovarian Cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops on the ovary. Most women will develop at least one ovarian cyst during their lifetime, and most cysts our North Carolina fertility clinics see are benign. However, in some cases, ovarian cysts can become large and cause pain or other symptoms. Cysts may also rupture, which can cause internal bleeding, warranting a hospital trip.

Do Ovarian Cysts Cause Infertility?

With ovarian cysts, it isn’t the cysts that cause problems when trying to conceive, but the conditions that may be causing them. Specifically, there are two conditions our North Carolina fertility clinics typically find as culprits: Endometriosis and PCOS.

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus – the endometrium – grows outside of your uterus. While our North Carolina fertility clinics find it most commonly appears on your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissues lining your pelvis, it can also be found in other areas of your body. Depending on the severity of your Endometriosis, this condition can lead to [difficulty getting and staying pregnant]( possible causes of infection,after a course of antibiotics.).

PCOS: PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a hormonal disorder that affects women of childbearing age. PCOS can cause various symptoms, including irregular periods, excess hair growth, acne, and weight gain. PCOS is caused by a hormonal imbalance, and unbalanced hormones can lead to [difficulty conceiving]( is one of the most common%2C but treatable%2C causes,you can’t get pregnant.).

NCCRM | North Carolina Fertility Clinics

While cysts may not be the ones responsible for infertility, the conditions that cause them can throw a wrench into your fertility journey. However, this does not mean you will never conceive! With the right treatment from our fertility specialist Raleigh NC, your chances of conceiving and carrying full-term can dramatically increase. At NCCRM, we employ the latest technology in North Carolina Reproductive Medicine, including IVF, IUI, egg freezing and preservation, and more. If you’re ready to finally achieve your dreams of a family, our North Carolina fertility clinics are here to make them a reality.

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