Patient Resources

Essure Migration Symptoms

Essure migration is a long-term side effect of the procedure in which the device migrates from the fallopian tube. This can cause perforation of the uterus and possible damage to other internal organs. It can be life-changing if not treated immediately, so it is important to be aware of the signs:

Pelvic Pain

If not fitted correctly, the coil can be released into the pelvis, causing pain and discomfort if the device has migrated. The device could have been inserted too far. Pelvic pain could be a sign that the Essure has perforated your fallopian tube and possibly damaged other organs as well.

Severe Bloating

If you feel severely bloated after only eating small amounts or even nothing at all, you should monitor it the first time you notice it and seek medical help if it does not diminish after a few days.

Memory Lapses, Dizziness, Fainting

Memory lapses, dizziness, and fainting are common side effects of the Essure procedure. If you begin to feel frequently dizzier and continue to have memory lapses, contact a medical provider. 

Abnormal Periods

If you have sudden, heavier, or no periods at all, it may be a sign that your device has migrated. If there is constant heavy bleeding or a change in your cycle, contact a doctor immediately.

Aching Joints or Twinges in Implant Location

You may feel twinges at any time, during any simple activity. This should be monitored and if it continues to persist, contact your doctor.

Changed Toilet Habits

If you are having to visit the toilet more often or are experiencing blood in your excrement and urine as well as pain while passing, your Essure may have migrated and you should seek medical attention. 

Weight Gain

If you are gaining weight and have not made any changes to your diet and exercise, contact a doctor. Weight gain is a common side effect of Essure migration.


A migrated Essure device can cause you to feel drained and exhausted, even without a change in your normal routine. Seek medical advice if this happens to you.


If you are experiencing negative side effects from your Essure and want to have it removed rather than reversed, please read more here. If you are interested in moving forward with Essure removal, please fill out these forms and submit them safely through our website. Our staff will be in touch with you after you have sent us the completed forms.

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