Patient Resources

Habits To Keep & Avoid During Preconception

When trying to get pregnant, there are things that must be avoided to achieve the best results. Preconception is an important part of your pregnancy journey, not just the nine months of carrying your baby! The first few weeks are vital to the development of the baby, but you should go ahead and cut out any bad habits that could be harmful to the baby before you become pregnant. These habits include:


There is no safe amount of alcohol to consume while pregnant. Alcohol passes through the placenta to the baby, increasing the risk of your baby being born with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Alcohol remains in a baby’s blood much longer than in the blood of its mother, which can lead to possible irreversible harm to the baby’s development.

Prescription Drugs

There are many prescription drugs that are teratogenic, meaning that they can cause birth defects. You should always speak to your healthcare provider about any prescription drugs you are taking. Taking prescription drugs while pregnant can cause contraction of the uterus, affecting the blood supply to the baby or cause preterm labor and birth. It may interfere with normal prenatal development that can lead to birth defects or fetal demise. It may also interfere with the function of the placenta, causing some babies to be underdeveloped and underweight.

Hazardous Chemicals

Some chemicals can also be teratogenic. The greatest risk of exposure to pesticides is during the first three to eight weeks of the first trimester, when the neural tube development is occurring. This may be before a woman knows she is pregnant.


Many herbs and herbal remedies are not mandated by the FDA, so their effects on pregnancy are unclear. If you are using any herbal or natural remedies, discuss them with your healthcare provider.

There are also some good habits that you should keep up when trying to get pregnant. These habits include:


If you are not already exercising, you should start now! Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or improve lung capacity, exercising is the perfect way to do so. Yoga is another great option; it incorporates posture, breathing, and concentration techniques that can benefit you during labor!

Track Your Menstrual Cycle

Your doctor will ask about your menstrual cycle, so make sure to keep track. This will also help you track your ovulation and increase your chance of pregnancy.

Eat Healthily

Nutrition is vital to your health, so keep your body healthy by eating clean! This will ultimately make your pregnancy easier, and your body with thank you. Fertility supplements can help you get all the nutrients you need.

How Can NCCRM Help?

Some habits may be hard to break, and some may take hard work and persistence to begin. Start working on these habits a few months before trying to conceive so you can break or create habits that will be best for your baby. At NCCRM, we listen to you and give you our best guidance along your fertility journey. Contact us today!

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