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Ovulatory Disorders Explained

Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common causes of infertility in women. Ovulatory disorders are conditions that affect the normal ovulation process resulting in failed or irregular ovulation. Infertility issues caused by ovulatory disorders are partly due to abnormal hormone levels like thyroid, insulin problems, pituitary gland disorders, and other endocrine disorders.


The thyroid must produce the needed amount of hormones necessary for fetal and neonatal growth and development. Abnormal thyroid levels largely attribute to changes in ovulation and the menstrual cycle, along with other major effects.


Ovulation may be diminished by changes in the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), estrogen, and androgens. To compensate, the body fluctuates the production of thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) from the hypothalamus. These changes affect the feedback between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and the ovary, which leads to changes in a woman’s ovulation and menstruation. The changes can be subtle when symptoms of thyroid disorder are not obvious, with no changes in periods or ovulation. However, symptoms can still lead to small changes in ovulation and endometrial receptivity, which may have an effect on fertility.


Women with a hypothyroid may experience mild weight gain, cold intolerance, lethargy, constipation, dry skin, depression, mental impairment, irregular menses, ` and hoarseness. Upon getting an exam, physical symptoms may include a low heart rate, an enlarged/tender thyroid gland, changes in skin/hair texture, and changes in neurological reflexes.

Women with a hyperthyroid may experience weight loss, emotional changes, nervousness, fast heart rate, heat intolerance, and neck tenderness. Physical symptoms may include bulging of the eyes, rapid heart rate, tremors, an enlarged or nodular thyroid gland, changes in the skin and hair, and in severe cases, loss of muscle tissue and cardiac changes noted on EKG.


Treatments will be different based on the type of thyroid disorder. Someone with hypothyroidism will need thyroid replacement therapy to supply the thyroid hormone that the body can not produce. Treatment for hyperthyroidism is based on decreasing production of thyroid hormones. Medications are often administered to inhibit thyroid gland production and secretion of T3 and T4. Once the source of increased thyroid hormone production has been found, treatment with radioactive iodine is used to destroy the site.


The North Carolina Center for Reproductive Medicine/Talbert Fertility Institute is the premiere center for reproductive health in North Carolina and the East Coast. Our team specializes in fertility testing, diagnosis, and treatment of infertility conditions. We’re experts in IVF, Tubal Ligation Reversal, Male Infertility, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Gestation Surrogacy, Family Balancing, and more. Contact us today.

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