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PGD And PGS Genetic Screening Before IVF

When couples visit our IVF Raleigh treatment center for in vitro fertilization, they are hopeful about conceiving a baby. Undergoing IVF treatment is lengthy and expensive, so it’s only natural that couples want to reduce the chance of passing on genetic issues to their offspring. Using IVF tests like PGD and PGS, embryologists and fertility doctors can assess embryos for possible anomalies before they’re transferred.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

PGD is a type of genetic testing that looks for specific genetic anomalies in the embryo. This test is usually chosen because either both or even one of the parents has the abnormality themselves, therefore the label diagnosis is given. In PGD, specific conditions or diseases are screened such as Tay Sachs, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, etc. This diagnostic tool can identify more than fifty disorders.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

At our infertility center Raleigh, the fertility doctor may use PGS to look for possible concerns when both parents do not have genetic abnormalities. Compared to PGD, PGS is a broader screening tool. In PGS testing, fertility doctors closely examine several chromosomes. For example, this tool can detect the presence of Down Syndrome.

Benefits of PGD and PGS

Both genetic assessment tools provide reassurance that the transferred embryos are not carrying genetic diseases. This is perhaps the biggest advantage of these tests completed at our infertility center Raleigh. Other benefits of PGD and PGS include:

  1. Minimizes risk of transferring genetic abnormalities.

Both tests can pinpoint whether one or both couples are transferring heritable anomalies to their possible offspring conceived via IVF. Keep in mind, most couples have to undergo lengthy treatments to become pregnant. If any couple has to lose a pregnancy due to a genetic defect, this can be devastating. Even though PGD and PGS do not provide a 100% guarantee, they certainly minimize the risk.

  1. Best choice for couples who possess genetic deviations.

If you’re a couple or woman who wants to conceive a baby and are aware that you’re carrying a genetic anomaly, PGD and PGS testing are advisable. If you want to reduce the risk of passing this irregularity to your child, then these tests are a must.

  1. Peace of mind for couples without genetic mutations.

Even if you’re a couple who doesn’t possess genetic abnormalities, these tests provide a lot of reassurance. Factors such as family history, fertility issues, age, and health issues are risk factors.

To learn more about PGD and PGS or to speak to a fertility doctor, call or visit the NCCRM fertility center Raleigh.

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