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What is a Perineoplasty Surgery?

Perineoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the perineum, which is the tissue area between the vaginal opening and the anus. This procedure repairs or tightens the muscles and tissues of the perineum, which can become stretched or damaged due to childbirth, injury, or other factors. At NCCRM, we dedicate our time and services to the health and safety of our patients. That’s why we discuss with patients what perineoplasty surgery is and how it can benefit women experiencing issues related to their perineal muscles and tissues.

Benefits of Perineoplasty

Perineoplasty is a type of vaginal surgery near me that is an effective way to address a variety of issues related to the perineum. One of the most common reasons for this procedure is to repair the damage that may have occurred during childbirth. Women who have given birth vaginally may experience stretching or tearing of the muscles and tissues in the perineal area, leading to discomfort, pain, and even incontinence. Perineoplasty can help repair these muscles and tissues, improving overall pelvic health and reducing the risk of future complications.

In addition to repairing damage caused by childbirth, perineoplasty can also address issues related to sexual function. Women who experience a decrease in sensitivity or discomfort during sexual activity may benefit from this procedure, as it can help to tighten the vaginal opening and improve overall sensation. Perineoplasty can also address cosmetic concerns related to the perineum, such as skin laxity or scarring.

The Perineoplasty Procedure

Perineoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and completed in 30-60 minutes. The surgeon will make incisions in the perineal area and remove any damaged or stretched tissue during the procedure. They will then reposition the remaining tissue and suture it together, which helps to tighten and strengthen the muscles and tissues in the area.

After the perineoplasty surgery, patients should rest for several days and avoid strenuous activity for several weeks. Most patients can return to work within a week of the procedure, but avoid sexual activity for at least six weeks.

NCCRM | Perineoplasty Surgery

Perineoplasty is a safe and effective vaginal surgery near me that can help women to improve their overall pelvic health and address many issues related to the perineum. Whether you are experiencing discomfort or pain related to childbirth, decreased sensation during sexual activity, or cosmetic concerns related to the perineum, perineoplasty surgery may help. For more information about gynecological procedures and other services offered at NCCRM, please visit our website.

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